We have all read or heard about claims against the manufacturers of products for alleged defects which cause injury, be it motor vehicles that roll over too easily or coffee that is too hot. Maryland is like most jurisdictions in allowing recovery under the theory of “strict liability” if the plaintiff bringing suit can prove the necessary elements. However, Maryland’s …
Mortgage Foreclosure Scams
One of the sad results of the subprime mortgage crisis that has been widely reported is that unscrupulous persons claiming to help the homeowner in trouble have come up with schemes to make their financial plight even worse. Maryland and other states have passed laws to regulate mortgage foreclosure consultants, and to prevent desperate lenders from being taken advantage of. …
Agent for Nursing Home Resident Not Compelled to Pay
As our population continues to age, a common occurrence is that children have to act on behalf of their elderly disabled parents in handling their affairs. This may include acting as an agent on behalf of the parent in admitting the parent to a nursing home or assisted living facility. Maryland’s highest court in the case of Walton v. Mariner …
Claims Against Police Time Barred
Allegations of alleged police brutality often make it into the news, and very often lead to civil lawsuits for damages against the officers and the governmental entity employing them. Verdicts against the police often make headlines, but do not always stand up on appeal, a fact which gets much less press. Maryland’s intermediate appellate Court just decided such a case …